Seduced by color and luminosity, I'm fascinated by the way light passes through color in infinite variations. My work defies absolutes as I construct and deconstruct abstract forms to reveal my process. Lines are architectural focal points, whose boundaries shift seamlessly in unexpected directions. The ethereal nature of my work is evident. Balancing control with experimentation, my approach has been compared to a jazz musician’s whose improvisations infuse a spiritual element that breaks through the contours of classical forms.
My Over Paintings, paintings over photographs, began with a series of recycled test prints I shot in a cinematic context. Over time, the photographs insinuated themselves further into my work, influencing palette, motion and sensibility. I'm captivated by their ambience, and found within them a hidden iconography. The interior in the abstract. The blending and juxtaposition of color in layers create transparency in my work, like windows into the interior. As one collector and critic observed, “One doesn’t look at a Gorney painting, one looks through it.”